About me
and my work
During my studies at secondary school of nursing (majoring in general nursing) and especially during my practice in a hospital, I had the opportunity to observe how the human body copes with injury, illness, hospitalization and how it reacts to these conditions. I understood that problems don't always stem from some tangible damage like a broken arm. After finishing high school, I enrolled in a higher vocational school majoring in certified physiotherapist. Studying physiotherapy taught me to think about the functioning of the human body and to look for ways to help people.
I've been in the "healthcare" field since high school, and that probably led me to see health as a privilege, not as a matter of course.
I enjoy finding ways to non-violently incorporate compensatory exercises into our everyday life so that we feel refreshed and pain-free. I like to connect and combine different methods and systems, always looking for the specific path that is "the right one" for each client.
I have completed many courses focusing on, for example, respiratory physiotherapy, shock wave, laser therapy, mobilization of joints and spine, sensorimotorics, kinesiotaping, and others.
2001 - 2004VZŠ Plzeň, graduate physiotherapist major
1997 - 2001SZŠ Příbram, major general nurse
Absolvované kurzy:
8/2021 - self-employed -physiotherapist Physiotherapy Beroun
7/2020 - 4/2022 -head of DSS
01/2019 - 09/2020 -Self-employed - Alzheimer Center physiotherapist
11/2008 - 07/2020 -Self-employed - physiotherapist Medical Institute
06/2004 - 11/2008Physiotherapist, general nurse, Domovinka - social care agency
Vestibulární rehabilitace
Úvod do metody viscerální manipulace
Bolesti hlavy v klinické praxi
Terapie a trénink pacientů s bolestí zad
Hallux Valgus- možnosti konzervativní péče
Spirální stabilizace
Lymfatická masáž těla a obličeje
Alzheimerova choroba- RHC
Problematické situace v péči o geriatrické klienty
Problematika imobility
Terapie suchou jehlou (Dry Needling)
Pánevní dno ve funkčním přístupu
Fascie- největší senzorický orgán těla